marriages today are under severe
strain. And if we're honest with
ourselves, most of us can easily
identify with this fact. However, is
this the kind of relationship that
God had in mind when He instituted
marriage in the Garden of Eden?
Folks, I'm here to tell you that the
answer is absolutely not! You see,
after Adam and Eve blew it in the
garden, they also blew it for the
chances of having a perfect
marriage. However, that doesn't mean
we have to resign ourselves to a
life of personal pain and silent
suffering. It just means that it's
going to take some time and lots of
work. Why? Because contrary to
popular belief, marriages aren't
made in heaven, they're made right
here on earth. Therefore, in the
light of this truth, A Marriage
Built to Last is a series that looks
at the 11 steps of having a lasting
and fulfilling marriage. Such things
as Men & Women are Different,
Love is an Action, The Need for
Romance, The Need for Communication,
The Need for Reconciliation, The
Need for Honor, The Need for
Intimacy, The Need for Biblical Men,
The Need for Biblical Women, and The
Need for a Strong Family. Remember,
being married doesn't mean your life
always has to be filled with
personal pain and silent suffering.
God never said that it would be
easy. He just said it's going to
take some time and lots of work. And
if we'll just get back to God's plan
for marriage, then we're well on our
way to having A Marriage Built to